How to wash microfibers towels properly

Are you the proud owner of a set of fluffy microfiber towels? If so, chances are you’re already loving their softness and absorbency – but did you know that there’s an extra step to ensure they stay in perfect condition? Washing microfiber towels properly might sound like something only experienced housekeepers should tackle, but trust us: even if your laundry skills could use a little work, we’ll show you just how easy it is to keep those plush goodies in tiptop shape! Plus, with these simple steps, your towels will stay looking brand new for years to come. Ready? Let’s go!

Don’t take a shortcut and just throw it in the washing machine – treat your towels with extra care!

We all know that spinning our towels in the washing machine is so satisfying. The noise, the bouncing, and the warm air coming out at the end – but don’t get too carried away! Although it’s tempting to just throw your towels in the washing machine, it’s important to treat them with some extra care. They should be washed in cold water, on a gentle cycle, and separately from clothes that have rougher fibers. That way, you can be sure your towels will come out looking plush and cozy – not like something pulled off a battlefield! So resist temptation, take an extra step (or two) and make sure those towels are treated right!

Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, since those can damage the microfibers

As tempting as it can be to add a little extra ‘oomph’ to your microfiber cleaning towels, the harsh reality is that’s just not what they’re made for. It’s a bit like trying to use paint from your local art store to fix your lawn mower – absolutely don’t do it! By avoiding bleach or fabric softener when you clean, you’ll keep your microfibers in tip-top shape and ready for any job. And that’s something we can all easily get behind.

Read the label to find out which temperature the towels should be washed in

Washing the towels in the right temperature can be a tricky task, since there are so many! Thankfully, all of this guesswork and cryptic code-breaking can be avoided if you simply read the label. This unique skill that helps you accurately determine which temperature is best for your towels should never be underestimated. While this method may not get you a Nobel Prize, it can certainly make sure your towels are squeaky clean and shiny – who knew laundry could be so satisfying?

A gentle cycle is best for cleaning microfibers properly

Cleaning your microfibers can be a tedious task, but did you know that a gentle cycle on your washing machine is the best way to treat them? That’s right: no hot water, no harsh products, and definitely no aggressive scrubbing. Think of it like treating them as if you were handling a baby with the utmost care. Trust us, why go through all the stress of trying to get rid of those stains when all it takes is a gentle cycle and some time? So relax and put down your cleaning products – you don’t need ’em.

To prevent streaks, use vinegar as a natural fabric softener

Believe it or not, one of the most effective ways to keep your clothes looking their best is by using vinegar as a natural fabric softener! While you may think that dousing your freshly-washed clothing in vinegar would give them a pungent and unpleasant scent, can be effective at reducing streaks on your garments – almost like magic. So don’t be scared to give it a try! After all, what do you have to lose besides unattractive streaks?

Finally, air dry your towels instead of placing them in the dryer

If you thought the only way to fluff up your towels was with a spin in the dryer, think again! Air drying your towels is not only an eco-friendly way to do laundry but it’s also a great way to save money. Plus, you’ll be getting that spa vibe without having to make pricey appointments! Just hang them up and use the extra time saved on something more enjoyable like putting your feet up and enjoying a cup of tea. Air drying is definitely the best ways to keep those towels soft and cuddly!

With all of that in mind, you’ll be ready to take on microfiber towels like a pro! All of these little details add up to make sure your microfiber towels stay soft, snuggly and luxurious. Who knows, showing off your knowledge of cleaning microfibers might even help increase your street cred (though don’t be fooled – competition is fierce). In any case, it’s truly amazing the level of care we can give to our belongings with just a few extra steps. So get prepping for those long-term relationships between you and your towels – after all, if love can last through an eternity… why not give your towels the same chance?

Does Paint Protection Film Look Perfect Once It’s Installed?

Paint Protection Film: What to Expect

This is an extremely popular question. We completely understand it. You want to protect your vehicle but you also want it to look as perfect as possible.
The honest answer is, NO. PPF is not a 100% flawless process. No matter who you choose, all installs will include some very minor, visible flaws in the process.

PPF installation is extremely difficult, time consuming, very intricate, and costly to install. Air bubbles, lift lines, water under the film, and lifting edges are the most common occurrences with every install. ?Lift lines are where a section has been laid then has to be lifted to remove an air bubble or speck of dirt. ?Water under the film will evaporate over several days (or weeks, depending on weather) once the film is exposed to heat and sunlight.

Pre-existing paint flaws such as rock chips, trash in the clear coat, scratches, swirls, and poorly aligned body panels are honestly much more noticeable and can even feel magnified after PPF is applied. Sometimes, something that looks like speck of dust or debris under the film, is actually nibs in the painted clear coat. Its doesn’t matter the manufacturer, every vehicle has some existing flaws, even from the factory. While PPF protects the vehicle, it also tends to magnify these existing flaws.

Remember: It’s paint protection, not paint perfection. The second important factor to consider before buying PPF is your expectations—for now and for the future. If you’re considering PPF, you’re in an elite group of committed, savvy car owners. But you might also be a part of a group of people with high expectations. I help my customers to manage that.

  • No car’s paint is perfect. The paint on your car is not perfect—not even from the factory. Dealers are masters at hiding things with fillers and waxes that will wash off within a week.
  • Don’t expect perfection. Quality installers do their best—even losing sleep worrying about making each job perfect. But installers aren’t perfect, and no install is perfect.
  • Sometimes family and friends, who can’t afford to apply PPF to their vehicles, will even point out imperfections. We see posts all of the time from people inventing silly reasons why they don’t need PPF.

Keep the purpose of PPF in mind: What’s important to remember is that your car will look good, without rock chips and benefiting from the self-healing PPF, even though you have to drive it every day and subject it to harsh weather and road conditions. PPF is an investment in peace of mind.



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