Your car is a big investment, and you probably rely on it for many aspects of your life. That’s why it’s incredibly frustrating to discover paint damage on it, like fading from the sun, scratches, or even corrosion from wintertime road salt.
But if you frequently park outside, or often drive on highways where debris can hit your car at high speeds (which you probably do!), it might seem like there isn’t much you can do to protect your car’s paint.
At this point, you might have even resigned yourself to believing that paint damage and fading is simply normal wear and tear on your vehicle.
Fortunately, we’re here to let you know that it’s not– it can be avoided!
What causes paint damage?
One of the major causes of paint damage on vehicles is pretty unavoidable: the sun.
You already know that the sun’s harmful UV rays can put people at increased risk of skin cancer and can cause sunburns and lots of other problems. But you might not realize that UV rays are bad for your car’s paint job, too!
In fact, if your car’s been exposed to the sun for an extended period of time, you might notice oxidation on your paint job.
This means that the clear coat that covers your car’s paint has been damaged, which can majorly fade the paint color and make your car look a lot older and more beat-up than it actually is.
The sun isn’t the only cause of potential paint damage, though. Things you might not expect can also really mess up your paint job!
For example, if you park under a tree, you might get tree sap on your vehicle– which, over time, can damage the clear coat and become nearly impossible to remove without causing further damage.
Other potentially damaging things include brake fluid and gasoline, insects, and bird droppings.
What can I do to protect my car’s paint?
Although it might be hard to avoid the sun, and things like tree sap and bird droppings, you don’t have to resign yourself to a faded or damaged paint job.
Fortunately, there is a solution that can protect your car from all of the above, keeping your car’s paint job looking as shiny and fresh as the day you got it.
DYNOshield paint protection film is a clear film that protects your car from the elements.
You can choose to apply it over your entire vehicle, or simply choose the parts of your car that are the most likely to receive damage, like your bumpers.
Paint protection film is designed to stop UV rays from damaging the clear coat of your vehicle, keeping the color of your paint looking fresh and vibrant. It also provides an added layer of protection between your car and things like gravel, insects, tree sap, and bird droppings.
One of the best things about paint protection film is that you can’t see it! It functions a lot like a vinyl wrap, but doesn’t change your car’s appearance– simply providing protection and some added gloss.

Who can install paint protection film on my car?
When seeking out a professional to apply protective film to your car, you’ll want to find someone who’s highly experienced at installation. Improperly applied film with bumps or bubbles can leave your car susceptible to the elements or even trap moisture underneath!
At Autobahn, we’re experts at applying protective film to keep your car looking amazing. If you’re ready to protect your car’s paint today, just give us a call!