You probably wouldn’t go out for a day at the beach without packing some sort of sun protection– sunscreen, a hat, a coverup.
After all, exposure to the sun’s UV rays can have all kinds of negative effects on your health, and it puts you at increased risk of skin cancer.
But one thing you may not have realized is that the sun can cause major damage to just about everything, not just your skin!
What kinds of damage do UV rays cause?
In addition to causing sunburn and increased risk of skin cancer for people, UV rays that enter your home can cause discoloration and fading to your belongings.
If your home gets a lot of direct sunlight, try moving one of your carpets or framed pictures on the wall. You might notice that the color of the floor or wall is significantly darker where it was being protected from the sun!
While discoloration is obviously less of a concern than skin cancer, it’s still damage– and could be disastrous for valuable furniture or treasured family portraits.

How does direct sunlight affect my home and vehicle?
In addition to causing fading, direct sunlight entering a home or a car can drastically increase the temperature– making the environment uncomfortable or even dangerous!
While it’s often recommended for people to put up light-colored curtains to reflect light and heat back out of their homes, you can’t cover up every window with a curtain, especially not in your car.
Properly installed window film can make your home or car a lot more comfortable during the hot summer months.
If your home is cooler and more comfortable, you won’t have to rely on your air conditioning quite as much– which means reduced energy bills! Plus, reduced energy usage is planet-friendly.
How is window film different from window tinting?
Window film and window tinting are often referred to as a single service, or mistaken for one another. They’re actually quite different!
With window tinting, the actual glass itself is tinted to reduce sun glare inside a vehicle or building. Cars with tinted windows are difficult to see inside, which can be helpful if extra privacy is needed. However, there are specific laws in place about window tinting; tints past a certain level can be dangerous for drivers and therefore illegal!
On the other hand, window film is typically clear. It doesn’t change the appearance of your home or vehicle, which means there aren’t any legal restrictions on it. Plus, unlike tinted glass, it’s a less permanent solution and can be removed if needed.
Window film is a great investment because it can reduce your energy costs by up to 60% without making any aesthetic changes to your car or your house.
How can I get window film installed?
When it comes to window film installation, it’s necessary to seek out an experienced installer. If you’d like a completely clear and undetectable film for your windows, you’ll want it to be installed smoothly and correctly– without bumps or bubbles.
To get started on protecting your car or home today, send us a message or give us a call!